Richpond First Baptist Church
2850 Richpond Road
Bowling Green, KY.

Hours of operation:
Sunday School 9am
Sunday morning worship 10am
Wednesday night Bible study 6pm

Mailing Address:
Richpond First Baptist Church
P.O. Box 50919
Bowling Green, KY 42102

Timothy Glover

Rev Timothy W Glover, Pastor

Mission Statement:
Richpond First Baptist Church, where we put God first in everything that we humbly do.
In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success. Proverbs 3:6 TLB
Our Staff:

Deacons: Raymond Potter, Ed Davidson, Tyrone Massey, Myron Doss

Deacon Trainees: Justin Massey, Kevin Massey, Bradley Glover

Secretaries: Janet Glover, Joann Cook

Brotherhood President- Kevin Massey

Kitchen Chairperson- Sue Davidson

Mother Board- Anna Beason, Barbara Flowers

Music- Linda Gardner

Sunday School Superintendent- Raymond Potter

Usher President- Bradley Glover

Youth- Janet Glover, Emily Massey

Contact UDA
Secretary Douglas Holder
(270) 253-2119

Assistant Secretary James Turner
(615) 943-3246

Union District Association | PO Box 50818 | Bowling Green, KY 42102